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Troubleshooting a plumbing leak requires some patience. The key is to isolate the problem. In the case of a dishwasher leaking under the cabinet, clear…
A dishwasher air gap sits in between the drain hose and the end point where the water drains out (typically the garbage disposal). Some people…
 Having to push hard on your door in order to get it to latch is much more common with exterior doors than interior doors. That…
Bi-fold doors need regular adjustment to work properly. The doors are not hard to adjust, but it seems to be a game of constantly fine-tuning…
Painting is all about the details. Preparing the surface, caulking, and finally painting gives a needed change. When you are painting a wall one color,…
My Dishwasher Installation Sticks Out Too Far When doing a drywall installation, you have to pay attention to the little details. In addition to connecting…
Cabinet toe kick is certainly cheap enough to replace. However, that does take some effort to remove the old toe kick and install the new.…
A customer called saying his door stop wouldn’t stay in the wall. I assumed he meant the door stop wouldn’t stay in the baseboard, but…
Many people like having access to their attic via an attic ladder. You don’t need an attic ladder unit to gain access though. In fact…
As far as plumbing valves go, I really dislike gate valves. They are very common however, because they are a few dollars less than a…