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Turn a Gold Bathroom into a Brushed Nickel Remodel

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Bathroom Remodel in Las Vegas

Bathroom Plumbing 53237632729

Nothing says outdated like gold fixtures and accents: it’s time for a bathroom remodel. When you hear the word remodel, you start thinking big dollars, but it doesn’t have to be.

Just changing the finish from an outdated finish to a new one can do wonders.

There are a few modern finishes of which brushed nickel is one. When you go shopping, you want to carry that theme throughout the bathroom. You will want to replace the faucet and drain assembly to match, along with shower or tub fixtures. Carry the finishes through to new light fixtures, towel bars, and toilet paper holders. You can also buy a matching soap dish and toothbrush holder, as well as cabinet door handles (and hinges if they are visible) for the vanity.

You get the idea here that you can start to get carried away. You might now start looking at door handles and hinges and changing them to the same finish as the bathroom fixtures.

Probably the largest expense will be the shower enclosure. If you have gold trim around it, you will need to replace it. I’ve seen some enclosures that have used a do-it-yourself kit to change colors, but it looks just a step better than spray paint.

Over the course of a weekend, you can totally change the appearance of your bathroom.